
Vue Components

A personal Project to get to grips with Vue.js

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Whilst experimenting with Vue.js, I found it difficult to find useful Vue components that I could use to familiarise myself with the framework.

I decided that a perfect way to get to grips with some of the basic principles and applications of the framework would be to build a website written using Vue.js that would automatically collate popular Vue components and provide a clean, user-friendly service for visitors.

The components are sourced from GitHub by a Laravel backend and saved into a database to ensure that the frontend can provide results to visitors quickly without the need to wait for a response from GitHub's API.

Using Laravel's scheduling features, the application automatically fetches the most popular Vue components from GitHub; saving new ones and updating previously seen ones to keep the website as up-to-date as possible.


  • Laravel 5.4
  • Vue.js
  • GitHub API
  • Bootstrap 3
  • cURL
  • SCSS